You may have come here because you are in trouble installing esxi 7 or 8 on a brand new 12 or 13th generation Intel CPU. After spending hours and hours the image you get is the following:

the ESXi installer, it will PSOD (Purple Screen of Death) by default and you will see a message about “Fatal CPU mismatch ” which is due to the different CPU properties across both the P-Cores and E-Cores.

How to By Pass and continue Installation:

1) Before esxi starts to Boot up (esxi starts to count 3…2…1) press Shift + O (Letter O). You will see the boot waiting to insert a command

2)type cpuUniformityHardCheckPanic=FALSE without erasing the first command as shown bellow:

3)Now press enter and continue with Installation but DO NOT reboot ! (If you reboot retry the Step 1 and 2 again to avoid screen of death)

4) Press Alt+F1 to see esxi cli. Use root and Blank Password!

5) type: vi /vmfs/volumes/BOOTBANK1/boot.cfg  press i (letter i) to insert the following into the config :

kernelopt=weaselInstalled autoPartition=FALSE cpuUniformityHardCheckPanic=FALSE

The config must be as shown on image bellow. Press ESC and :wq to exit vi editor

6)Now the setting is permanent. Type reboot to reboot the host.

Finally to make those settings permanent in case of update, boot the esxi

1) Press F2 to access the menu, Go to Troubleshooting options – Enable Esxi shell

2) Press ALT + F1 to see the esxcli screen and type:

esxcli system settings kernel set -s cpuUniformityHardCheckPanic -v FALSE

3) Return to home screen pressing Alt+F2